Monthly Writing Workshop

Writing Workshop

Huxley & Hiro is excited to announce that starting in March, we will have two creative writing workshops per month with Alan Reed.

The schedule is as follows:

The first Thursday of the month, 6-8PM

The third Sunday of the month, 1-3PM

Our workshops are free to attend, although registration is required for each event. Attendance is limited to 12 people per group.

Our February Workshop is on Sunday the 16th, please RSVP through Eventbrite here.

The workshop will run for approximately 1.5 hours and the group will discuss 2-3 stories. If you'd like your story discussed/critiqued, please bring along 12 printed copies of your work to distribute, so participants can take them home and read them in time for the next workshop.

Feel free to bring your own drinks and snacks!